Contact Us


Our contact details are below, if you prefer you can contact us via our contact form below.

General Inquiries

1-877-866-5721  Phone (Nationwide Sales and Support)

1-972-625-7765 (Texas Direct Sales)

1-405-543-0009 (Oklahoma Direct Sales) United States distribution is centrally located and can ship to most U.S. locations in 1 to 3 days on standard ground shipping.
We have a friendly and knowledgeable staff to answer your call and questions regarding laser products and applications.

WE ARE HERE BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the Sales process to assist you and your needs.

Need a Laser NOW?  If you are in a hurry and need a laser package tomorrow then give us a call and we can provide you with express shipping costs and options. call 1-877-866-5721